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Free online Sketchy Surgery 2023 Videos


Sketchy Surgery 2023

63 Videos
4 Reviews

Sketchy Surgery is a medical education resource that uses humor, storytelling, and visuals to help medical students and professionals learn and remember complex surgical concepts. It is based on the idea that by making learning more engaging and enjoyable, students are more likely to retain information and apply it in the clinical setting.

Chapter 1

1. Preoperative and Postoperative Surgical Considerations (2): 1. Preoperative (2)

2 Lessons
Chapter 2

2. Trauma_ Burns_ Critical Care 26: 1. Initial Assessment of a Trauma Patient 2

2 Lessons
Chapter 3

2. Trauma_ Burns_ Critical Care 26: 2. Thoracic Trauma 8

8 Lessons
Chapter 4

2. Trauma_ Burns_ Critical Care 26: 3. Abdominal Trauma 9

9 Lessons
Chapter 5

2. Trauma_ Burns_ Critical Care 26: 4. Head and Neck Trauma 6

6 Lessons
Chapter 6

2. Trauma_ Burns_ Critical Care 26: 5. Retired Lessons (1)

1 Lessons
Chapter 7

3. Hepatobiliary Disorders 9: 1. Gallbladder and Bile Ducts 5

5 Lessons
Chapter 8

3. Hepatobiliary Disorders 9: 2. Pancreas (1)

1 Lessons
Chapter 9

3. Hepatobiliary Disorders 9: 3. Liver 3

3 Lessons
Chapter 10

4. Lower GI Disorders 15: 1. Small Bowel (2)

2 Lessons
Chapter 11

4. Lower GI Disorders 15: 2. Benign Colon Disorders 4

4 Lessons
Chapter 12

4. Lower GI Disorders 15: 3. Anorectal 6

6 Lessons
Chapter 13

4. Lower GI Disorders 15: 4. Retired Lessons (3)

3 Lessons
Chapter 14

5. Vascular Disorders11: 1. Aorta 4

4 Lessons
Chapter 15

5. Vascular Disorders11: 2. Mesenteric (3)

3 Lessons
Chapter 16

5. Vascular Disorders11: 3. Peripheral 4

4 Lessons

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